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Weighted Ab Twists

Weighted Ab Twists | Nichole Mellison

Work your obliques harder as well as your rectus abdominus, i.e, the sides and the front part of your abs, with weighted ab twists. Adding weight to exercise can be enough to keep an exercise fresh. Create a new challenge to tax your muscles and improve your strength and fitness. Just make sure you’re ready for weight. It’s wise to start with a low weight and work your way up gradually.

Essentially, ab twists are ab crunches ending with a twist, usually twisting to one side and then the other. Easy! Try to maintain a methodical pace. Don’t go too fast. The feeling you create in your muscles is more important than the number of twists performed. Go slow and emphasize control of your muscles. It’s better to tire doing a low number of repetitions, than to perform a high number poorly.

Watch Nichole in this exercise and you’ll see everything you need to master weighted ab twists.


About Nichole Mellison

Nichole has been a successful personal trainer in the Los Angeles area for over 12 years. She is a WBFF Bikini Pro Fitness Model and the owner of a mobile personal training business, Workout on Wheelz. Nichole specializes in senior fitness, private one-on-one training, and competition prep.

About the Exercise Star

The inflatable Exercise Star offers almost limitless exercise options. It provides multiple hold positions for comfort and usability for seated, standing, and reclining exercises. With its low-rise and compact size, the Exercise Star ensures you stay in the most effective positions for better core exercising. The unstable surface makes ab exercises, back extensions, side bends, and planks more potent, so you achieve your fitness goals faster.

It's great for core strengthening, circuit training, stretching, water workouts, and much more!

Click here for more exercise videos.

Disclaimer: Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise or nutrition program. The opinions contained herein are the opinion of the author only. Use it at your own risk.

AbStar Fitness is a Bionic Ventures LLC company.